If you have a medical, fire or police emergency call 911.
NewBuffalo.com is not directly affiliated with New Buffalo city or New Buffalo Township government, please direct questions about taxes, services, parks & recreation and police matters to the appropriate agency.
You can contact local government as follows:
New Buffalo City Hall is located at 224 W. Buffalo, New Buffalo. Hours are 8 am – 4pm, Monday-Friday. You can contact City Hall at (269) 469-150 or visit them on the web at www.CityofNewBuffalo.org
New Buffalo Township Offices are located just north of the City limits, 17425 Red Arrow Hwy, New Buffalo. Hours are 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Monday-Friday. You can contact Township services (269) 469-1011 or visit them on the web at www.newbuffalotownship.org
The New Buffalo Post Office is located at 325 W. Buffalo (kitty-corner from City Hall). Window hours are 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday-Friday and 9 a.m.-noon on Saturday. Lobby is open 24 hours. The phone number is (269) 469-3200
The Berrien County Road Commission is responsible for the roadways outside the city of New Buffalo and controls many of the everyday things we take for granted in a rural community like mail box placements, right-of-ways, and driveway construction. For more information or for obtaining permits contact them toll-free at (800) 442-0734.
The Michigan Department of Transportation is responsible for maintenance on all state highways in the area. These highways are: I-94, US-12 and M-239. For more information contact the Coloma Transportation Service Center at (269) 849-1184.
Police Departments.The New Buffalo area is under the protection of several police agencies. The following are non-emergency numbers, in the event of an EMERGENCY — ALWAYS DIAL 911.
- Michigan State Police: (269) 469-1111
- Berrien County Sheriff’s Department: (269) 756-9571
- New Buffalo City Police: (269) 469-1593
- New Buffalo Township Police: (269) 983-7141
- Chikaming Township: (269) 469-3245
- Grand Beach: (269) 469-5000
- Michiana: (269) 469-1884